Členka Jitka Kadlčíková o setkání BPW International

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Jitka Kadlčíková, dlouholetá členka Business & Professional Women CR a mentorka Equal Pay Day, se minulé úterý zúčastnila meetingu BPW International jako členka výboru.

Last Tuesday I participated at the online intercontinental meeting of BPW International where the members of our Standing Commitee for Legislation headed by our brilliant chairwoman Stella Kammitsi presented to more than fourty participants, members of BPW International\’s bodies our work done over the past two years. We had a short presentation followed by a fruitful discussion on possible amendments of constitutional documents of the organisation. We also presented the results of our research on legislation on equal pay, pay gaps, gender gaps and related topics in selected countries. It is fascinating to hear that women in all the countries we had the chance to discuss with, struggle with so similar issues. Thank you Heini Vaari, Jenia Al SabbaghNIKIEMA NADEGE, it is a great honor to be member of the Committee with all of you. Thank you Stella Kammitsi for your work and energy. Thank you Geraldine Crevat for having organised and held this meeting, thank you to all participants, including Sra Lode Saliba Raffoul, Marie-Chantal Hamel, L.L.B., B.A.Carolyn SavageMeena Karna (apologies for not having mentioned all of you) for attending and sharing. #equalpay #paygap #gendergap
