18. 3. 2021 Neformální setkání \“Diversity & Inclusion\“ se Sari Einy Brody

Připojte se k moderovanému inspirativnímu setkání se Sari Einy Brody, bývalou Global Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) v IKEA Group, která se bude konat online na platformě Zoom. Zjistíme nejnovější trendy a zapojíme se do diskuze v angličtině.

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Zdarma pro členky BPWCR & Nordic Chamber, hosté 390 Kč 

Sari Einy Brody (bio v angličtině)

\"\"Sari has been working in the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) space for over 25 years, standing up for equality and fairness and sharing her passion for the topic by taking an activist role. Her approach to working with and benefiting from ED&I is holistic, aimed at making a positive impact on people’s lives, organisations and society. 

In her latest role as the Global head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at IKEA, Sari spearheaded the company’s transformation into a leader in equality. During her 20 years with IKEA she introduced and launched ED&I throughout the company; provided strategic direction and a systematic approach for integrating it into the overall business strategy; established a worldwide network of over 80 ambassadors, who jointly developed the global strategy and implemented it, with a local flavour, in their respective countries; and collaborated with NGOs, governmental agencies and other corporations to share learning and together create a positive change in society. 

As a thought leader in the space of ED&I and a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Future Council, Sari has contributed to the new Equality and Inclusion Agenda of the WEF; in addition, she has been sharing her approach, passion and results in events such as: Global D&I Leaders’ summit, UN Women events, He for She events, Equal Pay Events, SHE conference and other global conferences and events. 

Israeli born, Sari currently resides in California with her husband and son.



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