27.7. European conference of the ActivEU project

Active debate of Citizens: they are the Heritage for the European Future – ActivEU Project

Reference Program: EUROPE FOR CITIZENS’ PROGRAMME 2014/2020
Strand2: Democratic engagement and civic participation

2.2: Network of Towns

invites you for European conference Thematic Networking of Twinned Towns. Private invitation only on bpwcr@bpwcr.cz.

\"\"27th July 2022 Wednesday – 1st Day of Conference

from 10.30 to 13.30

5th Conference at Evropský dům, Jungmannova 24, 110 00 Prague 1 (Czech Republic) – seat of European Commision in the Czech Republic

10,00: Registration of the participants 

10,30: Opening of the 5th Conference 

Institutional Greetings by 

Antonino Orlando Russo, Mayor of Castelmola and President Unione dei Comuni del Comprensorio di Naxos e Taormina (Italy)

Roberto Schilirò, President of the Council of Unione dei Comuni del Comprensorio di Naxos e Taormina (Italy)

Lenka Šťastná, Business & Professional Women CR Production, z. ú. (Czech Republic)

Monika Ladmanová, Head of the European Commission\’s Representation in the Czech Republic


Moderator:  Beatrice Briguglio, European Project Manager (Italy)

Workshop 1st Session

\“What are the reasons for Euroscepticism?\“ the reasons … a recent political phenomenon or the result of the failures of European Policy\“


  • José Manuel Neira, Federacion de Asociacions Xuvenis para a Mobilidade Europea (Spain) 
  • John Boxall, Mayor of Kunsill Lokali Birgu (Malta)
  • Reka Vizi, Institucia Regionalnych Aktivit Novohradu (Slovakia)
  • Zsofia Thoor, Sverigeungerska Kvinnoförenid \“Sissi\“ (Sweden)
  • Georgi Yordanov Georgiev, Lukovit Municipality (Bulgaria)

2nd Session

„The European Union, an incomplete construction, debate on the process of European construction and enlargement\“


  • Aikaterini Margariti, Municipality of Naxos and Small Cyclades Islands (Greece)
  • Mudite Priede, General Secretary Latvijas Pasvaldibu Savieniba Biedriba LPS (Latvia)
  • Priit Värv, Mayor of Elva (Estonia)
  • Gherghina Liviu-Cristian, President Asociatia Sin Fronteras (Romania)
  • Rozalija Radlinskaite, Alytaus Kolegija (Lithuania)

13.00: Conclusion of the daily Session by Ariana Talio, Deputy Mayor of Giardini Naxos Municipality (Italy)

Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion



Unione dei Comuni del Comprensorio di Naxos e Taormina (Italy)

Institucia Regionalnych Aktivit Novohradu (Slovakia)

Hévízgyörk Község Önkormányzata (Hungary)

Asociatia Sin Fronteras (Romania)

Latvijas Pasvaldibu Savieniba Biedriba LPS (Latvia)

Sverigeungerska Kvinnoförenid \“Sissi\“ (Sweden)

Lukovit Municipality (Bulgaria)

Association of Estonian Cities (Estonia)

Municipality of Naxos and Small Cyclades Islands (Greece)

Business & Professional Women CR Production, z. ú. (Czech Republic) 

Udruga za promicanje aktivnog građanstva – ECHO (Croatia) 

Federacion de Asociacions Xuvenis para a Mobilidade Europea (Spain) 

Gminny Osrodek Kultury Olesnica (Poland)

Alytaus Kolegija (Lithuania)

Junta de Freguesia de Baguim do Monte (Portugal)

Kunsill Lokali Birgu (Malta)


Za doprovodné fotografie Prahy na propagační materiály projektu děkujeme Lucie Faltýnková Photo.


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