Social cooperatives as a tool for youth employment

"CO - OP! Social Cooperatives as a tool for youth employment" is a project of the training course in the frame of the KA1 of the Erasmus+ Programme. The aim of the project is to promote business in the form of a social cooperative as a solution for different social problems, mainly related to unemployment of youth.

The training course is organized by the Foundation of European Initiatives in Silesia in partnership with other EU organizations that support entrepreneurship among young people. The project will take place in the polish mountains, in September of 2017. During the project, young European from 8 different countries, will learn how to run a business in social cooperative form and how to respond by that to a variety of social problems. They will learn how to fundraise, work in a team and know benefits of multiculturalism at work. All activities will be conducted by non-formal educationmethod and with support of variety of IT tolls (blended education method).

You can see more on e-learning plattform, or facebook site.

Let´s CO-OP! Pojďme spolupracovat!

V druhé polovině září 2017 jsme se my, tři členky neziskové…
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