WEPs Deep-dive Series #10 webinar
WEPs Deep-dive Series #10 webinar
We invite men and women to attend this webinar to learn how addressing unspoken challenges can strengthen teams and improve leadership.
Topic: Taboo Topics, Silatha X UN Women
We invite men and women to attend this webinar to learn how addressing unspoken challenges can strengthen teams and improve leadership.
Topic: Taboo Topics, Silatha X UN Women
We would like to cordially invite you to the first meeting of the Women's Empowerment Principles community in the year 2025 which will hold the theme TOP MANAGEMENT Decision-Making and Business Growth in 2025 and Beyond.
Srdečně zveme všechny se zájmem o aktuální témata na osobní setkání s novou prezidentkou BPWCR, paní Evou Primus Kovandovou. Těšit se můžete na neformální diskusi a informace o všech projektech i plánovaných akcích, včetně blížící se konference Equal Pay Day.
Páté setkání sedmého ročníku mezifiremního mentoringového projektu Empowering Women Mentoring v prostorách společností Uniqa a Raiffeisenbank.
We invite all members of BPW Europe to webinar about Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) with the topic Switzerland Best Practices. DATE: 20th February 2025 TIME: 6pm - 7pm (CET) Online at Zoom Registration Welcome speech by Anu Viks (BPW Europe) Keynote speakers: Myriam Heidelberger, Co-President BPW Switzerland Linda Herzog-Mayer, Co-Director BPW Switzerland Sabrina Pagnetti, member […]
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