27.-29.5.2022 – Evropská konference BPW na Islandu

V květnu příštího roku se bude konat evropská konference BPW na Islandu. Pokud máte některá chuť tam mít svůj workshop, neváhejte se přihlásit. Přeposíláme email, máte-li jakékoliv dotazy, směřujte je na reditelka@bpwcr.cz, rády Vám na ně odpovíme.
Dear Presidents,
As you all know we are in the midst of organising the 17th BPW conference for May next year and are doing our utmost to make it an informative and a memorable conference.
We have already given you an overview of the remarkable women who will be speaking and a idea of the workshops that we have been requested to hold.
You have also been given a glimpse of what Iceland holds in store for you and if our tourists are anything to go by, you are in for some exciting adventures in Iceland.
This email however, is all about workshops. We desire the workshops to be just as interesting and memorable as our speakers and for this is why I am emailing you.
We want to give you and your members the opportunity to introduce to us your most informative and interesting workshops that you would like to host at our conference. The topic should be within the range of the topic of the conference, i.e. EQUALITY.
We know that all of you have worked tirelessly within your environment to promote and empower each other and other women and are certain that your contribution workshop would enhance the 17th BPWconference.
Deadline for submission is 15 December 2021
Before the deadline we need name of host/s and an abstract of the workshop (about 1200 characters with spaces).
Please email johanna@fstorg.is with your information.
We are looking forward to your great input and hope to be inundated with interesting workshops to choose from.
The members of the conference committee will meet just after the deadline to choose the workshops they feel will best conribute to the conference and will respond to all of you before Christmas.
With anticipation and excitment on behalf of BPW Reykjavik, Iceland.
Jóhanna Kristín Tómasdóttir
President, BPW Reykjavík, Iceland